Friday, June 17, 2011


I swear my mother has our house wired.

First, my sister and I have been complaining a lot since the beginning of summer how in the past few years of adulthood, our parents still treated us as children. Curfews, "you can't go out until your room is clean", wake up calls, etc.
Suddenly this summer is different. The occasional wake up call for church, but that's it. Strange.

Second, during my trip to Louisiana, my boyfriend and I stayed the night together at a hotel instead of risking getting lost from each other while staying at free housing. We really didn't do anything either. We were just way too tired.
As soon as I told my mom she said, "It's ok, I'm actually glad you got a hotel. I was talking with your [grandma] last night about that if you were going to do anything together you would have already done it. You're both adults and we can't do anything about it." Um... wait what? Definitely different behavior from my parents that I am used to.

Third, my sister and I have been annoyed lately with my mother. We all know our house is a mess, but Mom acts as if it's everyone else's mess but her own. Ugh. I have even less motivation to clean when someone blames me and can't even take responsibility for their own mess.
Today, I wake up to my mother actually cleaning the house. She's cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed rooms, dusted, etc.

Seriously though, either the house is wired or they've drilled tiny holes through the walls to hear what we're talking about. Whatever it is, I'm kind of scared.

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