Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I know I need to post something, but I can't think of anything worthwhile. I should probably look up some writing/journal prompts to start using. Any suggestions?

The job has been getting better and I'm feeling a lot less overwhelmed. I still have things pop up that drive me crazy though. My coworkers are quite hilarious though and I especially love the new dean. I'm going to miss our ice cream get-togethers now that regular hours are back.

I've been helping my boyfriend move to his new apartment. I feel terrible realizing that a majority of his closet was my stuff though. Oops.

I'm getting into this weird slump again though, maybe because of work now. I just feel like I'm not doing anything productive, which I'm really not, but I can't think of anything to really do with myself.
I feel sorry for myself because I really don't have many friends here. I have people I talk to and hang out with on occasion, but I don't really have anyone here that I find myself going out of my way to contact and go do things with and talk seriously about what going on in our lives.
 I joined a sorority and hoped that I'd get lasting friendships from that, but I'm quickly realizing nothing really lasted from that. People I thought I was once close to are no longer here or I've realized we were never really close. It makes me feel even more like a loser.
Most of all my time is spent with my boyfriend. He's the only person I talk to and hang out with on a regular basis. I really do feel like a loner. Ugh, I have no life. I wish there were more clubs/organizations and activities around here that interested me. I want to get involved with something, but it's hard when everything is geared towards the college students. I'm such an introvert. Why must it be so hard to find good friends?


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