Thursday, July 12, 2012


I know I don't have a whole lot of followers, but I know I would appreciate those that do find this to help out someone I know from school, a fellow Greek and Graphic Design student.

"Saturday night July 7, 2012 Taron was involved in a horrific life changing accident. While celebrating the marriage of his cousin, he had a commercial grade firework explode into the left side of his face completely destroying it. 

He was life flighted to Saint Francis hospital in Tulsa where they decided they could not provide the care he was going to require. He is now at the OU Medical Center in OKC where he is still in the Trauma ICU in a medically induced coma.
Here he will be undergoing many, many surgeries to reconstruct the entire left side of his face. This process will take several months, several very painful months. We have complete faith in the surgeons abilities to put the pieces back together so we’ll have our gorgeous Taron back again!
This is a group created to help raise money in order to support Taron throughout his numerous surgeries and extremely long recovery process and to keep everyone updated on his progress. The support we have already received from everyone is absolutely unbelievable!!! We cannot stress enough how much it means to us and how thankful we are for each and every one of your thoughts and prayers.

Tarons sister, Lydia Pounds, has set up a PayPal account in his honor for anyone who would like to make a donation to help with this long healing process and future medical expenses. Every donation, $1 to $100 or more will be appreciated!

Instructions to make a donation:

-Go to:

-Move your pointer over to "Transfer" and click on "Send Someone Money"

-Enter your e-mail in the "From" box

-Enter in the "To" box

-Click "Continue" and everything else is pretty simple from there."

He's a really great guy and it's terrible what happened. I know their family could use as much help as possible during this time.

To update about myself, walking's getting better. We've managed to make 5 miles in an hour and a half now, we're pretty excited. I'm trying my best to stay away from ridiculous sweets and eat more fruits and veggies.

For the job situation, I still haven't heard anything back from the secretary position. I have been praying that if I don't get the job that it's for a good reason and that something better will come along. Well, maybe it has. My boyfriend's coworker is really good friends with the owner of a local sign shop. Apparently, they're hiring but not advertising the position and my boyfriend's coworker said she would put in a good word for me. Crossing my fingers.

Nothing super entertaining on my end, but I'll try to update with some fashion or recipes soon. And again, please help my friend if at all possible, even a dollar or two will help them out.

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