Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy Face

I feel like life is almost perfect right now. Very surreal and kind of weird, especially knowing I have a lot to do physically/temporally and spiritually right now. I've been feeling quite amazing lately! I'm not entirely sure why, but I have much more energy and actually feel like accomplishing more. It's like fasting for my boyfriend did more for me.

I decided rather randomly that I was going to make mint brownies last night so I googled some recipes and started on them after everyone went to bed. While waiting for the brownies to cool, I finally got around to painting my toe nails. I cleaned some of my junk in the living room so my mom could maybe nag me less about my college mess. I finished my brownies and went to bed.

Got up a bit late this morning but still went out for a jog/run. This was like the first time I've ever purposely went out and ran, so I didn't get too far before having to walk, but I was still proud of myself. Unfortunately, I had to fight back the urge to throw up the rest of the way home. lol. My heart was racing, my head was pounding, but it felt great! I went outside to tan for a while since this was first time in a while that we've actually had sun. While tanning in the backyard I painted my finger nails! Whoo!

I've ordered some super adorable clothes recently, too!

And my childhood best friend's wedding reception is coming up and I messaged her about a place to stay for me and my boyfriend. She was super bubbly and excited and was totally willing to help me out. I know we may not still be absolute best friends, but she's still amazing and a wonderful woman. I'll always love her. She even said bye in our old little language. It was nice.

Life just seems pretty fantastic right now, well, besides the whole boyfriend part right now. Hopefully that'll all get sorted out soon. I hope my days keep getting better. :]

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