Monday, May 23, 2011

YSA Dinner

So church was actually really great today. I decided this morning that I would fast for my boyfriend to find a job. He's been unemployed for a while now and he's desperately looking. It's rough nowadays. I get tired of my parents automatically jumping to the TV on Sunday mornings and it definitely takes away from the spirit in preparing for church, so I put in an old EFY CD and let it burn to my iTunes as I took a shower. Finished getting ready and listened to some nice music and read a general authority's talk on repentance. I tried my hardest to listen to the speakers and lessons today. I will admit, Gospel Doctrine and Relief Society was still slow and rather draining, but overall I feel like I listened a lot better and felt much happier about myself and being there. Well, besides literally freezing...

There was YSA dinner tonight for our stake about an hour away at the stake YSA leader's home. To start off, my sister was trying to figure out  if she should go or not because she has to work like an extra 2 hours every day this week to get off Thursday for our niece's high school graduation and she's also deathly allergic to cats and didn't know if the family had pets. She ended up going. Well, a new girl, Jessica* has joined the area for the summer because of an internship for school. We ended up carpooling with two boys from the other wards and Jessica. O.M.G. This girl does not shut. up. First she calls dibs for the middle back seat. Then the entire car ride she leans forward to talk to the boys, asking what they do, how old they are, etc. and rarely speaking or addressing my sister or myself. They all announce their age. All 19. I look at my sister, widen my eyes, and let out a silent groan. So young! But geez Jessica, it was obvious what she was doing, seemed overly pushy to me, but maybe guys are into that.

Everyone else in the car didn't know the family we were visiting, but my sister and I did. Our family's have a long history together. lol. Upon entering the home we are greeted with a very boisterous, "It's the Morrow sisters!" from many people in the room. After really scanning the room I realize I know a good majority of those present. Met up with an old friend I hadn't seen in almost two years. Quite exciting actually. Everyone gathers downstairs after dinner to play a game. What game? Oh... BoM/Bible charades. No not events, but people, like Sariah, Rachel, Aaron, and Mary. UGH. Who knows these well enough to guess them from acting them out? Terrible. Get dessert after and more time to just chat. And that was pretty much it for the evening. Definitely not a good chance to really mingle with others. Hopefully I can get to the YSA conference and actually meet some new people (hopefully guys [: ).

Overall rather blah kind of YSA event and I'm left feeling even older as I learn about more people who are my age and younger who are now married or even with kids. Ridiculous.

*Name has been changed for privacy

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