Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Me

So I'm starting fresh... AGAIN.
I started this other blog as Jackie M., but me, being the retarded self that I am forgot the email I created to manage the blog so here I am starting over.

I don't plan on revealing my name at any point so I'm going by Justine. This time, I'm not blogging about any one specific problem or issue or whatnot. This time, I'm blogging about me, just me, and pretty much anything I do and how I feel.

You may ridicule me for the things I say or the way I say them, but it's my thought process and I live and work through life. Learn to deal. It's just me here, Justine.


So, today. Honestly nothing really happened. Trying to clean out my room and nip this hoarding issue I have in the bud. Spent an hour scanning pictures and writings, and still got no where in my giant stack of papers. I'm such a tangible person, I need to touch and feel things, so this is really hard letting go of these things, even if I am scanning them to keep digital files. I'm sure I'll get over it, at least I hope so.

Did some nerdy things, tried to "hack" my own computer files to find saved passwords hoping I could return to my old blog, but to no avail.

So I know I'm not a big fan of county music and/or Taylor Swift, I feel that her songs are too similar overall, but I'm totes(I've been wanting to use that words all day, lol) digging her song 'Mean'. Great song! I really love it.

I'm hoping to get enough courage to get out and drive tomorrow or something. Sorry all, I don't have a license. I'm scared to drive! Yes, I'm 21 without a driver's license. I'm working on it.

Sorry for my jumbled train of thought and boring life today. It'll get better, at least I hope. :\

Kthnxbai. <3

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