Saturday, July 23, 2011

Awkward Meetings

Feeling insecure about the boyfriend after a while, I decided to possibly look for someone new.
I started talking to this guy, Ben*. I met him on Looking at his profile pic he was rather attractive and after texting back and forth for a while he seemed nice and we decided to meet. We decided to meet at the mall, head to dinner, and go see Transformers 3.

I had to try and cram in Transformers 2 before I headed out since I hadn't watched it yet and headed out immediately afterward (even after having to skim through a few parts to watch it all). I headed over to meet Ben and waited through about 15 minutes of some man hacking up a lung and some kid playing a neighing horse sound before he finally showed up.

He wasn't as attractive as I had hoped. He was much shorter than his profile said (still taller than me) and he was a bit chunky. Not that chunky is bad, just not what I expected. Talking with him in person was rather awkward and conversations didn't really flow well. We walked around for longer than expected and didn't have time for a real dinner other than Subway. After food we went straight to the movie.

He payed for my ticket after much insisting. Halfway through the movie he decides to put his arm around me. I was nice and let him do it. Thankfully, he didn't try to hold my hand. I could not get comfortable with his arm around me at all. It sucked. He drove me home afterward and when we pulled in my driveway I leaned over and gave him a hug. I think he was expecting a kiss and I felt slightly awkward after pulling away.

He wanted me to come see fireworks with him but I was so afraid if I did go he would totally try to put the moves on me. That was not how I wanted to spend my last weekend at home.

He sent me a text Sunday morning (July 3rd).

Good morning. Wish this day was as beautiful as you.

Ugh. I still don't know how to feel other than weirded out. That would be sweet if we were really dating, but not after just one date. That's really awkward.

I haven't texted him since. Thankfully, he hasn't texted me either.

Man, why do I attract awkward men? I should probably stop looking for guys online. I'm starting to realize why they're left with looking for women online...

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