Thursday, July 28, 2011

Painting Clothes

  • Necklace: Gift from my grandma
  • Shirt: Gift from a friend
  • Pants: $4 at Sears
  • Shoes: I honestly have no idea, they've been in the closet forever and I've used them for plays and such and just now pulled them out for actual wear. :)
This was actually yesterday's outfit, mostly something I didn't really mind getting paint on while I worked on screen printing stuff, which btw, SUUUUUCKED.

I really did enjoy wearing this. I love the top; it's really nice for this exhausting summer heat. And I'm really growing attached to those shoes. I really don't like shoes that come to my ankles like this (I find them really irritating), but these are way too adorbs, so I just ignore that. lol

Too bad I'm still attempting to stay anonymous here otherwise I'd show you my super cute sunglasses and bandanna I wore with this as well. :)
P.S. I love the fact that I've lost enough weight to fit back into these size 1 jeans from high school. Don't worry, most of my pants consist of sizes 5-7 still. :P

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