Friday, July 22, 2011


Yes, I am terrible at updating this.

So, Independence Day weekend was pretty awesome. Vond* fireworks are awesome as always and I took quite a few photos like always. They have a huge family and make up a good majority of everyone in the wards in my town. A lot of them have really good paying jobs like lawyers, dentists, and doctors so they have quite a bit of money to spend on the display. They rig it up to music and everything. It's the best display around. They've also been told that they spend more money on fireworks than the city.
A love the display because it's usually about 20 to 30 minutes of constant fireworks not like the city where it's "Boom! . . . . Boom! . . . . Boom!"
Vond's are like "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Lol. I'm sure you loved that explanation.

I got to see my best friend from childhood (the one who just got married in Louisiana) and spent some time with her on Monday before I left for school.

I've been at school since and quite a bit has happened while here and I'll save that for another update which hopefully will come soon!

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