Monday, July 11, 2011

YSA Conference

So I have lots and lots to update about, but I'll just start off with the YSA Conference.

Tons of fun! And I really enjoyed the lessons/workshops we had.

I met some really awesome guys during the Speed Dating activity, but I couldn't ever find them afterward and obviously I didn't make a big enough impression on them for them to find me. Lame. :(

I did meet one really super awesome guy, too bad he was WAY more into my sister than me. Also lame.

I was very frustrated with my friend Sam*. I used to think she was an extrovert until this conference. She didn't want to randomly talk with people or go out of her way to meet new people. She clung to me and my sister for the majority of the conference and always wanted to leave early. She was such a downer and I feel like I could've met more people if I hadn't had to deal with her. It was still nice getting to catch up with her.

I have some serious confusion about another guy though. Dane* goes to school at my university. I'm not really best friends with him or anything and have barely spent time with him in the past. He's had a girlfriend for so long so I never really pushed the idea of hanging out or even dating him while I was single. He's super nice though and very down to earth and not overly conservative. I love talking with him when I get the chance.
Well, at the conference I saw him a few times and he really just said hi and asked how I was. Apparently though, he kept running into my sister. It seemed like every time he saw her he was telling her to tell me that he missed me and what-not. It just seemed like he was more zealous about me when talking to someone else, than to me. What does this mean though? Does he secretly like my sister and that's the connection he has to attempt to talk to her? Or is really interested in me and too nervous to show it? Or does he really not care and just wants to be nice? Ugh, boys.

P.S. Remember Jessica from this post? I forgot to update sooner about her, but the week after that dinner, she showed up at our ward with a guy.Turns out the guy was her boyfriend. Um... wat? Trying to flirt hardcore with other boys to really have a boyfriend. Ok, I know, I have a boyfriend, too, but I'm trying THAT hard to flirt.

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