Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Worst Near-Dating Experience

I've been reading a lot of Confessions from a Mormon Bachelor Pad and started thinking about bad dates. I remembered this guy that I had completely forgotten about. Literally, I forgot all about him. I guess it was so horrific I've tried my best to block the entire situation from my mind.

So I went through this phase last year of trying to find LDS guys through eHarmony. Probably one of the worst things EVER. I found this guy, we'll call him Joe, who seemed decent. Taking advantage of the free eHarmony weekend I contacted him and we sent some emails back and forth.

The first email he sent me was just him talking about how he asks "extreme" questions to find out if he clicks with someone. Some of the questions were as follows:

"What would you do if a bear came up to you and we were together in the forest?
If Mickey Mouse got sick and they couldn't find a cure, would they put him in suspended animation?
If you were to setup a dinner before I showed up, what would you cook?
If evolution really works, then how come mother's only have two arms?
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why?
Do you know the muffin man?"

They were cute and kind of funny so I continued. I replied to his answers and asked some of my own. The answers I got back were good and to me seemed like a great guy, but then he went on this weird rambling rant I could barely follow. It made just about as much sense as a fat kid eating a salad.

He asked some more questions and this is literally the end of the email:

"What is your decorating style?
What is your favorite household chore? Least?
How much gaming do you actually do?
Are a clean freak, a messy person? Or somewhere in between?

Catch you later hun. "

Ugh. "Hun". Cute term of endearment... if you plan to stay in the friend zone. I've just had too many close guy friends call me "hun" to ever really associatie it with an actual love interest.
But ugh... I continued...

I asked some more questions and here was the beginning of his reply:

"GIRL, you totally involuntarily made my day. hahahahaha.... you get to laugh at this email because you TOTALLY asked the exact questions scam artists and identity thief's ask! hahahaaaa.... I know you sincerely didn't try to, but it still kind of happened. I don't think i've had this much fun filling out an email like this in a long time. I think the main thing that made it so fun was knowing the innocence of your attempt and what you were really driving at. oyyyyyyyyyyyyyy............................... You should totally text me"

And gave me his number. This email gets worse. He continued to make fun of me for my innocent mistake of asking him "scam artist" questions. I felt kind of humiliated.
Here's what pretty much ruined any chance he had of seriously dating me. The question in parenthesis was one of my questions to him. His reply:

"(If you had a son, would you let him play with barbies if he wanted to? Likewise, would you let your daughter play football if she wanted to?)
Well hopefully my daughter doesn't have testosterone pumping through her veins when she's playing it. And if I found my son playing with barbie dolls, he better be ripping the heads off, other wise I'll IMMEDIATELY get him into counseling instead of making the mistake many foolish parents now days make that contributes to feminism which ultimately plants seeds for gayism. Even if that wasn't the case, it could still get other kids my boys age to think of him as being gay (or as they say a "sissy") and then my son would have to deal with rejection which leads to ALL kinds of social problems which leads to emotional and mental problems. There's parent manuals on what to do in case of an unusual situation like that. I wouldn't care if my son played with barbie dolls, just as long as he responded to it in a normal male manner. If he plays with girls, and acts a little fruity, that's because well..... he's in front of a girl. I guess that would be normal."

Um... What? Really? "Gayism"? Lord. Do I have to explain what's so terrible about all this? Ugh. I just really hate terrible opinionated people like this.

I can't help but wonder what the hell I was thinking that I would even entertain the idea of texting him after this, but I did...

We texted for a while and he ended up calling me a couple of times. Our conversations were always akward. They were generally about him and he would try to make me laugh with akward jokes that really weren't so funny but I'd force myself to laugh sometimes out of pity.
After a while I just stopped texting him hoping he'd get the picture that I just didn't want anything to do with him. He eventually stopped texting and I didn't hear from him for a while. I'd literally forgotten about him when he texted me around Christmas time about how he was going to send me a gift. It was weird and akward and I never replied.

I wonder what he's doing now....

Ok not really. Lol


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

hahaha :)

My Name is JACY said...

Woah! WOAH! This is really terrible Justine! Holy cow... he seems weird! You dodged a bullet with this one... haha!